Please complete this form to sign up as a
Judge for a Simulated Congressional Hearings. 
This year the judges and parents will join virtually while the students testify from their classrooms.
If you'd like to share, this form can accessed at:
IMPORTANT: When complete,
be sure to click "Register" at the bottom of the page.

If you have any questions about judging, feel free to contact
Kim Eggborn at Kimberly_Eggborn@hcpss.org

INFO:   Registration is now full for the option you selected; however, you may join the waitlist below.

First name:
Last name:
Email address:

This form contains limited capacity options which are sold out. Please select below which options you would like associated with your waiting list entry.

May 6 - Lisbon

May 6 - Guilford

May 13 - Phelps Luck

May 13 - Veterans

May 17 - Hanover Hills

May 19 - Dayton Oaks

May 20 - Jeffers Hill

May 20 - Stevens Forest

May 20 - Talbott Spring

May 25 - Running Brook

May 25 - Swansfield

May 26 - Atholton

May 26 - Hammond

May 27 - Thunder Hill

May 31 - Bryant Woods

June 1 - Cradlerock

June 1 - Ilchester

June 2 - Worthington

June 3 - Deep Run

June 6 - Centennial Lane

June 9 - Clarksville

June 9 - Manor Woods