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Registrant Fee: $0.00

Billing information

Billing and Payment
Billing and payment processing for Businesses' events is performed by Member Solutions, Inc. ("MSI"), and this contract is specifically assigned to MSI for all such purposes. Customer knowingly and irrevocably authorizes MSI to charge electronically Customer's bank account and/or credit card for any and all amounts due for Customer's, and anyone registering under Customer's, attendance and participation in the Event. Please note, you may see all or any portion of the following on your bank or credit card statement: "MSI*EDGERTONEXPLORITCENT 8882448044 ONLINE REG FEE". Any returned payment will be assessed a $25.00 fee. Any unsuccessful electronic transaction is subject to a $10.00 processing fee. MSI is not responsible for any bank fees incurred by Customer. MSI has the sole right to resubmit returned or declined items (plus applicable fees) without prior notice. BILLING INQUIRIES -- 888-244-8044 or by mail to PO Box 297, Hatboro, PA 19040.

Applicant Agreement
I represent that I am the person who appears on the application above. I acknowledge and agree to the statements, terms and conditions above, as well as any applicable terms and conditions for this registration, and that by typing my name below and completing this registration form, I am electronically signing the document, which will have the same legal effect as the execution of the document by a written signature and shall be valid evidence of my intent and agreement to be bound.

Applicant Signature
Please enter your full name in the space below.

Please click the button below to finalize your registration.

Registration inquiries:
Mary Molliconi
(402) 694-4032

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Location Information
For this presentation, we will have open flame and will need a space that has at least 10' ceiling height.  For those choosing the Portable Planetarium - a 20'x20' space is needed (we don't recommend being in the middle of your stacks as the blower is quite loud).
Programming Information: 
We have a few different options available for you as you endeavor to Explore the Great Unknown!
For all of our Space options, the first demonstration or lab is $350, and each additional demonstration or lab is $125.  This does not include the mileage to and from your event. The Planetarium has it's own prices listed.
Portable Planetarium:  
  • 30 minute interactive tour of the night sky with Dan Glomski, longtime astronomer in new portable planetarium.
  • $350 for half day, up to 4 thirty minute shows done every 45 minutes.
  • $600 for full day, up to 8 thirty minute shows.
  • Ask about our live stargazing program
  • Ask about full dome videos to enhance your experience.
  • A inflatable space (25-30 capacity), not wheelchair accessable
Spaceflight Explorers 
  • Demonstration for any size group using curriculum we got from NASA!
  • What is space? What does it take to be an astronaut?  How do we get to space?
  •  This hands-on lab activity is a great supplement to the spaceflight explorer demonstration. 
  • Students are presented with materials and they then see who can create a spacesuit for a Marshmallow - and if the Mallonaut would survive in a space like vacuum!
  • Time needed depends on number of participants, we recommend no more than 25 at a time.  
Stomp Rockets
  • Another great supplement to Spaceflight Explorers or a great stand alone activity. 
  • Participants make (and launch!!!) personalized paper rockets.  
  • Time needed depends on number of participants, we recommend small to midsize bunches at a time. 
Additional Comments or Needs
Please call us if you have further questions.  (Ask for Dan) 402-694-4032 or