Event Registration

Charlotte Martial Arts Academy
2228 Hawkins St. Charlotte, NC 28203

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Registration inquiries:
Charlotte Martial Arts Academy
2228 Hawkins St. Charlotte, NC 28203
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I fully understand that the instruction, classes and use of any facility are physical in nature and as such there is a very real risk of injury. I accept all such risk for any injury including but not limited to the following: paralysis, head trauma, neck trauma, back trauma, injury to the arm, legs, feet, hands, impaired mental functions, loss or impairment of sight, loss or impairment of hearing, broken bones, internal injuries, genital injuries, dental injuries, lacerations, sprains, disfigurement, infectious diseases such as AIDS, HIV, herpes, hepatitis and others, and other injury that I may incur through my participation in classes, instruction and use of facilities. I further accept all risk of injury that may impair or eliminate my ability to perform gainful employment. I understand that there is physical contact between myself, the other students and the instructors and this contact is an unavoidable part of training that exposes me to injury. I also understand that proper instruction can not and will not eliminate the risk of injury.

Charlotte Martial Arts Academy recommends that you undergo a physical examination before undertaking this activity. I understand that my failure to have a physical exam performed may result in a condition causing serious injury or death. I hereby further represent that I have no medical or other condition that would expose me to any type of unusual risk while participating in classes, instruction and use of facilities

If I am signing this waiver for a minor child I agree that all the terms and conditions contained in the waiver shall apply to the child or children enrolled. I understand that Charlotte Martial Arts Academy is at no time responsible for the supervision of children other than in class and even then only to the limits of verbal correction. I agree to be responsible for and supervise my children and my guests brought into the facility.

By signing below I hereby release and hold harmless Charlotte Martial Arts Academy, Inc, it's instructors, employees, sub-contractors, agents and assignees harmless from any claim or cause of action resulting from any matter relating to the above points as well as any other injury I may receive through my classes, instruction and use of the facilities.

Check this box to indicate that you have read and agree to all of the above terms & conditions