November Council

Praise the Lord and greetings in the precious name of our Savior, Jesus. 

We are excited about the Council Expansion for the California District Council and in so doing we will be adding 2 Brand New Dioceases, for a total of 3, and want to make sure we stay connected. 

 If you are a Minister of Music, Musician, Singer, Worship Leader, Media Director, Videographer, Photographer, etc. you are an asset to the Kingdom of God and we want to utilize your gifts for the Kingodm. 

Our final joint Council will be November 11-14, 2014 and we want to make sure that you are a part of these services and again, stay connected beyond November. By filling out this form and submitting it, you help us to stay in contact with you for future events, fellowships & Councils.

November 11 - 14, 2020
Conference Location:
South Bay Marriott
3635 Fashion Way
Torrance, CA
Click for a larger map
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Registration inquiries:
For additional information,
call Pastor James E. Williams at 707-319-2155 or by email at

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Minister of Music
Worship Leader
Worship Team Member
Choir Member
Audio Engineer
Lighting Specialist
Media Projection Specialist
Graphic Artist