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Anime Los Angeles 2015
We host member-volunteer run events for the education and appreciation of anime, manga and related subjects. Animé Los Angeles 11 will be held Friday-Sunday, 9-11 January 2015, at the Los Angeles Airport Marriott.

January 9 - 11, 2015
December 16, 2014 12:01am [Pacific Time]
Los Angeles Airport Marriott
5855 W. Century Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Click for a larger map
INFO:   Please note that this form contains limited capacity items which are sold out. They are displayed grayed out and/or are not selectable.

How would you like to pay?

When would you like to pay?

Registrant Fee: $0.00

Billing information

Billing and Payment
Billing and payment processing for Businesses' events is performed by Member Solutions, Inc. ("MSI"), and this contract is specifically assigned to MSI for all such purposes. Customer knowingly and irrevocably authorizes MSI to charge electronically Customer's bank account and/or credit card for any and all amounts due for Customer's, and anyone registering under Customer's, attendance and participation in the Event. Please note, you may see all or any portion of the following on your bank or credit card statement: "MSI*ANIMELOSANGELES 8882448044 ONLINE REG FEE". Any returned payment will be assessed a $25.00 fee. Any unsuccessful electronic transaction is subject to a $10.00 processing fee. MSI is not responsible for any bank fees incurred by Customer. MSI has the sole right to resubmit returned or declined items (plus applicable fees) without prior notice. BILLING INQUIRIES -- 888-244-8044 or by mail to PO Box 297, Hatboro, PA 19040.

Applicant Agreement
I represent that I am the person who appears on the application above. I acknowledge and agree to the statements, terms and conditions above, as well as any applicable terms and conditions for this registration, and that by typing my name below and completing this registration form, I am electronically signing the document, which will have the same legal effect as the execution of the document by a written signature and shall be valid evidence of my intent and agreement to be bound.

Applicant Signature
Please enter your full name in the space below.

Please click the button below to finalize your registration.

Registration inquiries:
Anime Los Angeles, PO Box 7067, Van Nuys CA 91409.
= required field
Privacy Policy
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Anime Los Angeles 2015 Memberships:
 Current rate is $60 (Student/Military - $55.00).  You must have a membership if you are 6 years of age or older. 
If you are 14 or under, you may bring 1 parent or guardian for free!
Remember - memberships are NOT refundable, but they can be transferred to someone else.

Note: The phrase "
8882448044 ONLINE REG FEE" will appear on your bank or credit card statement. Any returned payment will be assessed a $25.00 fee. Any unsuccessful electronic transaction is subject to a $10.00 processing fee. Please read additional processing details on the following payment screen.